7+1 Habits of Higly Effective Compliance

The 7+1 Habits of Highly Effective Compliance when deploying ERP Systems

Leen RoeleveldBest Practices

Sharing is caring. In the coming months, Dynaflow will share years of experience implementing Segregation of Duties in (large) ERP environments. For too long, compliance has not had any focus during the implementation of an ERP system. Too often, compliance related matters were only addressed after Go-Live. Implementing proper SoD controls will help to reduce the risk of fraud and will help to make it much easier to proof compliance with best-practice Corporate Governance guidelines. This all can be done by properly automating these controls.

As Dynaflow we have seen many ERP implementations and resolved compliance related matters. Based on these experiences we have documented the what we belief are the 7+1 Habits to ensure Highly Effective Compliance when implementing or deploying an ERP system.

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